Two local State Parks will undergo major construction projects this winter, which means that some of the holes on the Disc Golf Courses at the parks will be closed temporarily.
Shipwreck Bluff at Lake Erie State Park
Holes 1 - 8 at Shipwreck Bluff, located at Lake Eire State Park, are currently close at for utility upgrades to the park. Park Manager Marla K. Bingham-Connelly told DiscGolf716 in an email today, "There is nothing being done to the holes themselves. However, the holes are in an area closed for safety due to construction". According to Bingham-Connelly, the areas are being dug up with new power and water lines. The entire project should last until next spring and once the area is safe for foot traffic, it will be reopened to the public.
Blue Heron at Beaver Island State Park

In case you missed the Facebook post yesterday from Paul Stephens Holes 1-5 at Beaver Island State Park is the start of Wetland Restoration Project that was annoced back on September 2nd from NRDG and PDGA New York State coordinator James Carman on the WNYDGC Facebook. DiscGolf716 did reach out to New York State Parks Departments for an official timeline and things are still changing daily so while no time line is set in stone. If any future updates from Paul Stephens or the New York State Parks we will share and update the website as soon as possible.

Other State Park Work
New York State Parks plans to do other works at local parks and the courses at them, so further closures and changes could be coming down the road. Stay tuned to DG716 and we will post about it as soon as we receive confirmation of dates and further details.